Thursday 27 October 2016

Cress egg heads

We planted TINY cress seeds in half an egg shell which had a face drawn on it. The cress "hair" is so long now. We will cut it off and eat it on a little slice of bread. Will it be yummy?

Carrot tops

We cut off the tops of the carrots that we picked from the school veggie garden and look what is happening . . .

The leaves are growing!

Little Gardens

We are loving collecting and growing the Little Gardens from New World. 

Look how many we have already!

Growing seeds

Look how well our seeds have grown. Some sunflower seeds have grown really fast and their stems are long and skinny. We will take them home today to grow taller than us in our own garden!

It looks like one little seed doesn't want to come out of the cosy, dark, damp soil!

Our beans are growing well too. Some of them have grown as big as Jack's beanstalk! Some of them are growing taking their time to grow up.

Counting to 100

Before school some of us were showing how well we can count to 100!

Someone else loves reading our fairy tale books. 😃

Beans in bags

We put 2 beans inside a plastic bag against some paper towel, watered them and stuck them on the window so that they could get heaps of light and we could watch how they grow.

A little root started growing first. What will happen next?

Planting sunflower seeds

At the beginning of this last term we planted sunflower seeds.

We enjoyed putting on the gloves

and we hope our seeds grow well. We said, "Grow little seeds,grow!"

Reading rotations

When we have finished our Jolly Phonics activity, we carry on with another activity from our reading rotation. Some of us read from the book boxes...

some of us make puzzles

or pictures out of shapes.

We are so good at doing this all by ourselves while other groups are reading with Mrs Davies!