Thursday 25 February 2016

Geese and gorillas

Another letter starts with an open mouth - open mouth, short stick, hanging stick, flick 'g'. We made a goose or a gorilla!

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Quiet and quarrelsome queens

These are our queens that start with the letter 'q'. We write 'q' with an open mouth, short stick, hanging stick and flick.

This is quarrelsome queen...

and this is quiet queen. Aren't their crowns beautiful?

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Play dough letters

Here are the letters we have learnt 

and we made them in play dough after practising some Casey caterpillar shapes.

T-shirt pictograms

We made our T-shits into a pictograms.

How many people are in the yellow house Waiheke? What about the green house Kawau? Does blue house Motuihe have one more than the red house Rakino? Do you notice our favourite number on our T-shirt?

House points

Look at us counting all out little ones so that we can exchange them for a ten!! 

We have 2 tens!!

and we have 1 ten so far...

Naughty caterpillars

The caterpillars have found very special places to change into a chrysalis... on the window sill and on
our chairs!

We love books

Look at us quietly reading on the mat!

Pinehill Way

We are playing together with our buddy class, remembering The Pinehill Way. 

What a good afternoon!

Dancing daisies

Now we are learning the 'd' sound. This is how we write it: open mouth, tall stick.
A sip at a time, stay ON the line :-)

Ants on apples

The next letter we learnt is 'a'. It is an open mouth, short stick. We made ants on apples!

We were awesome at colouring in! We didn't scribble, we stayed IN the lines and there are no white bits! 

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Seed pods

Someone brought us swan plant seed pods. Can you see why they are called swan plants? 

We have watched them pop open and all the seeds come out. 

We took them outside for Mr. Wind to blow them away and grow another swan plant.

Orange Octopus

Casey the caterpillar gets so hungry that she opens her mouth up wide. This is the letter 'o'. We made an orange octopus.

Monarch Caterpillars

Mrs. Davies bought us some caterpillars for the classroom. They are growing bigger and bigger every day, just like Casey!

Casey Caterpillar

Casey the Caterpillar teaches us how to write. Her open mouth is the shape for the letter 'c'.
We made our own caterpillars!